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Why Sugar in urine is dangerous

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 18/08/2021 20:42

Constituents of one’s urine sample, speak volumes about their health and hence it becomes ever so vital to instantly sugar regularly . Every constituent and it’s quantity play an important role in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of certain diseases and health conditions. Detection of presence of sugar is one of the most common parameters of a urine test. One of the most pertinent questions people have is whether glucose in urine is normal, in a healthy urine sample, there is little to no presence of sugar. However, abnormally high quantities of sugar seen in urine indicates untreated diabetes, which can only ever be controlled and not cured.
The number of people with diabetes rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. In 2019, an estimated 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes. Another 2.2 million deaths were attributable to high blood glucose in 2012. These are just some of the statistics on worldwide diabetes. Over time, diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Therefore it is extremely important for one to keep track of their sugar levels via their urine samples.


symptoms of sugar in urine There is a wide range of symptoms for sugar in urine, most of them are associated with symptoms for diabetes.


The most common cause of sugar in urine is diabetes. Insulin is a hormone in the human body, responsible for controlling blood sugar levels. In people with diabetes, this hormone is either sparse or absent. This causes abnormally high blood sugar levels which leads to the appearance of sugar (glucose) in urine.A few other conditions like Chronic Kidney Disease, Pregnancy and Pre-Diabetes also cause the appearance of sugar in urine.

Testing and Detection

Sugar in urine can be detected by taking a laboratory urine test, or simply by taking a urine dipstick test at home. Neodocs Wellness Cards help detect and monitor blood sugar levels with urine dipstick tests delivered to your doorstep, yielding quick and accurate results.


Controlling sugar in urine The treatment for both types of diabetes involves controlling blood sugar levels through medication, diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes. A nutritionist can help you figure out how to better control your glucose levels by eating the right foods.
Here’s a list of ways in which you can control blood sugar levels naturally;

In conclusion

Sugar (Glucose) in urine and its consequences can be treated and avoided or delayed with diet, physical activity, medication and regular screening and treatment for complications, which makes it ever more imperative to have technology that allows smartphone based instant testing at home to keep a regular and consistent track of results and mark improvements based on sameNeodocs Wellness Cards help detect and monitor blood sugar levels with urine dipstick tests delivered to your doorstep, yielding quick and accurate results.