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Why Endurance Athletes Need Magnesium ?

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 20/10/2021 21:47

A well understood aspect of athletic wellness involves strenuous physical activity and a fulfilling, balanced diet. But, in a world full of fad diets revolving around no carbs and a high protein intake, people tend to miss out on essential micronutrients, often turning a blind eye to their significance.
Iron, sodium, calcium…..these are all minerals which an endurance athlete might consider when thinking about. Constituents of their blood, sweat and bone how can one forget that? But, magnesium, does one really consider it in their daily nutrient check?
Magnesium is one of the most commonly lacking micronutrients in large populations. Despite playing a pivotal role in energy production, many athletes remain clueless about its critical importance in maintaining health and performance.

Magnesium : Who Are You?

Magnesium is a mineral micronutrient responsible for over 300 essential chemical reactions in the body.It is critically needed by each & every cell for existence.
Many of its bodily functions are of particular interest to endurance athletes;
  • Plays a vital role in providing energy to the body during strenuous physical activities.

  • Helps prevent muscle soreness, fatigue & lactic acid build up.

  • Aids muscle contraction & relaxation alongside calcium.

  • Aids in healing & repair of tissues.

  • Helps in the formation of bodily protein.

  • Converts Vitamin D into its active form.

  • Maintains nerve function & health.

Daily Dosage & Deficiency

The recommended daily amount of magnesium is 300 mg for men, & 270 mg for women. But these are based on the average population. Endurance athletes may have higher requirements as they produce more energy, use their muscles more, put a greater stress on their bones and sweat more, therefore losing higher amounts of magnesium.
While less than 2% of the population have been estimated to experience magnesium deficiency, a study suggests that up to 75% are not meeting their recommended intake. Health problems associated with magnesium loss include diabetes, poor nutritional absorption, diarrhea and hungry bone syndrome (extremely low calcium levels), etc.

Putting the “Yum” in Magnesi-”yum”

To ensure sufficient magnesium levels, one should begin with their diet. It is abundantly found in plant based foods, one might also call it “the vegan nutrient”.
Certain foods with a high magnesium content include;
  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Chia Seeds

  • Almonds

  • Spinach

  • Cashew

  • Peanuts

  • Soya Milk

  • Sesame Seeds

  • Brown Rice

  • Whole Grains

  • Black Beans

  • Baked Potatoes

  • Beans & Lentils

If you are not including leafy greens, beans and lentils, and nuts and seeds in your diet, now would be a good time to start if you experience constant tiredness, poor recovery, or muscle soreness or cramping. A magnesium deficiency could be at the root of your issues.
Inculcate these magnesium rich foods in your diet & you’ll never run out of energy!

In Conclusion

Athletes that undergo strenuous training on a daily basis have greater nourishment needs than people with a comparatively sedentary lifestyle. They should take care of their nutritional needs and not miss out on essential micronutrients like magnesium, which may ultimately create hindrance in their performance.
Adequate magnesium levels mean high energy performances, a quicker recovery time, no fatigue and a good immune system which ultimately helps athletes improve their overall performance.