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What to eat after a workout?

  • By DrMeghnaChandrachood
  • Last Updated: 23/05/2023 01:30


Tough hours at the gym? Hungry? Common questions surrounding post-workout meals are the best foods to eat and how long you should wait to eat. What you eat post-workout is as important as the food consumed before physical exercise. 

 It's important to understand how your body responds to physical exercise before answering those questions. A workout depletes energy stores, damages muscle tissue, and depletes fluids and electrolytes through sweat. In order to replenish muscle energy stores depleted from physical activity, post-workout nutrients are essential. 

Following exercise, it's recommended that you consume a combination of carbs and protein. Remembering recovery isn't just about eating right after working out is also important. Exercise is an ongoing process when you exercise consistently. You should continue to eat small, well-balanced meals every 3–4 hours with carbs and protein.


Bottom line

  • After exercising, it is essential to consume enough carbohydrates and protein.
  • The supplement stimulates muscle protein synthesis, improves recovery, and improves performance.
  • It is essential to not go much longer than a few hours before refuelling with a meal or snack.
  • Finally, replenishing lost water and electrolytes can complete the picture and help you maximize the benefits of your workout.

Post-Workout Meal Ideas

Below is a sampling of meals that can be enjoyed after a great workout.

  1. Brown rice and boneless skinless chicken breast: Prepare with your favorite low-sodium spices or salsa for a nutritious recovery meal. This can be done in the crockpot, stovetop, or oven. Athletes prefer white rice over brown rice to reduce stomach upset caused by the higher fiber content. 
  2. Egg scramble: A quick one-skillet meal that is made with a whole egg, vegetables, and sweet potatoes. Sprinkled with pepper and seasoned with your favorite spices. 
  3. You can refuel your body with leftovers from the night before. Do you have cooked quinoa ready to go? Toss on salad greens and sprinkle with balsamic for a well-balanced meal.
  4. Peanut butter: The favorite sandwich on whole-grain sprouted toast is a post-workout pleaser. Leave off the sugared jam and enjoy a drizzle of local honey. This nutrient-dense meal contains quality plant protein, healthy fat, and high fiber.
  5. Power smoothie: Blend your favorite fruit with non-fat Greek yogurt, dairy, some water, and ice. A great boost of healthy fats can be added with a spoonful of your favorite nut butter.
  6. Wraps: Whole grain high fiber wraps are a great start to a wonderful recovery meal. Add some fresh avocado, the meat of your choice, greens, beans, or whatever suits the theme of the wrap, roll up and enjoy.


For such guidance and recommendations concerning health issues, explore the NEODOCS website and order the Wellness kit for home testing and diagnosing over 10 parameters. Download the NEODOCS app and upload the test card picture on the smartphone app to obtain quick results. We will make sure you get accurate urine testing from the comfort of your home and embark on a supplement, or a choice of supplements, that offers you the best possible outcome — for optimal wellness and healthy longevity.