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UTIs in Kids : The Parental Guide

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 04/07/2022 16:34

Urinary tract infections are very common in children. Studies show that about 8% of girls and 2% of boys (out of a 100) will have suffered a UTI by the time they are 10 years old. And when a urine infection occurs in kids, it is more likely to advance into a serious stage as compared to adults. The two types of ways in which UTIs are most likely to affect children are bladder infections and kidney infections.
A child suffering from a urinary tract infection must receive treatment from a pediatrician immediately. But sometimes, symptoms of a UTI may be hard to spot in a kid. While an adult can do research and self-diagnosis, a child cannot.
Let’s learn the Whys, Whats, Hows of a urinary tract infection in children.

UT-Why? : Causes of UTIs in Children

A few common causes are constipation, wiping from back to front, holding in pee, taking bubble baths or staying in a wet bathing suit for extended periods.
If a child has a recurring UTI then chances are, it could be caused by an underlying urinary system disorder.

Signs and Symptoms

These signs can vary with every child.

UTI symptoms in babies

UTI symptoms in children These symptoms could also seem like any other health condition too. If your child has one or many of these symptoms you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

Diagnosing A UTI

diagnosing Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) In most cases, the doctor can diagnose a UTI by asking about your child's symptoms, examining them, and arranging for a sample of their pee to be tested.
Treatment usually begins soon after a urine sample has been taken, and your child won't need any further tests.In a few circumstances, further tests may be needed in hospital to check for abnormalities. Your pediatrician may refer you straight to a hospital if your child is very young.

Treatment of a UTI in Children

Most UTIs get cured within a week after the child receives a course of antibiotics. Apart from that, a few lifestyle and habit changes can be inculcated so as to prevent the infection from recurring.
Those include; drinking more water, maintaining personal hygiene, regular diaper changes, having a healthy diet (in order to prevent constipation), not holding your pee, etc.

Bottom Line

While urinary tract infections are common in children, they are quite easy to treat when detected early. Parental insight & awareness could prevent the disease from ever occurring in a child.
Neodocs Wellness Cards help you diagnose UTIs with a smart-phone based home test that yields accurate results in 60 seconds.