pregnancy self-care prenatal vitamins home tests Neodocs

Must-haves during pregnancy

  • By Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
  • Last Updated: 15/07/2023 12:06


While everyone's pregnancy experience is unique, certain types of pregnancy gear can help make the nine months easier. Not to worry, mamas. We've got you covered. Although each pregnancy is different, there are certain tried-and-true products that every pregnant mama needs to know about. From morning sickness hacks to serious self-care, here are some essentials that you just shouldn't be without!


Explore our NEODOCS website and order the Neodocs Maternity Care kit for home testing. Download our NEODOCS app and upload the dipstick picture on the smartphone app to obtain quick results. We will make sure you get comfortable and accurate urine testing from the comfort of your home.