Health concerns during pregnancy uti during pregnancy diabetes during pregnancy

Monitoring Health during Pregnancy via Urine Tests

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 25/08/2021 20:52

Pregnancies are one of the most important and health-wise crucial parts of a woman’s life. Both pre & post-partum well-being of an individual is a necessity. A pregnancy impacts on the health of a woman for a lifetime, it is also where she is at her most vulnerable : mentally, physically & emotionally, which is why an everyday close monitoring of health parameters is very vital
Ailments such as uti during pregnancy and glucose during pregnancy can cause of lot
A pregnant woman is at high-risk for several health conditions like gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), preeclampsia (protein in urine - a pregnancy complication), based on performed researches, the prevalence of symptomatic urinary tract infection in pregnant women has been 17.9% and asymptomatic form in 13%. If an asymptomatic infection is not treated, it negatively affects both the mother, and the newborn.
A urine sample speaks volumes about an individual’s health. Regular urine tests during pregnancy will lead to an early diagnosis and treatment (if there is an underlying health condition) and if not; an early prevention of such complications.

Here are a few necessary urine parameters that are essential to monitor during pregnancy;
  • Urine Glucose (Sugar) Test : It is normal to have small amounts of sugar in your urine during a pregnancy. But if these levels are exaggeratedly elevated then an individual might be suffering from gestational diabetes (an onset of diabetes during pregnancy).
  • Protein (or Microalbumin) In Urine : Excessive amounts of protein in urine accompanied by high blood pressure usually means preeclampsia. Other complications include urinary tract infections, kidney damage and certain other disorders.
  • Testing For Ketones : Ketones are produced in the body when your body starts utilising stored fats for energy instead of carbohydrates. It is also an indicator of dehydration. If your ketone levels are high and you’re frequently vomiting, you may need intravenous fluids and medication. If ketones are found in combination with sugar in your urine, it could be a sign of diabetes.
  • Nitrites & Leukocytes in Urine : Your urine is screened for the presence of nitrites and leukocytes (white blood cells) several times during your prenatal care as a precautionary measure, even if you don't have symptoms of a UTI. The presence of nitrites & leukocytes (white blood cells) in urine is typically an indicator of an infection. UTIs are very common in pregnancy and are dangerous for both the mother and the baby.
  • Blood in Urine : Although haematuria (blood cells in urine) is often harmless, sometimes it might be an indicator of a serious disorder. If there is indication of blood in your urine during pregnancy, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Urine Tests at Home

We have highlighted the importance of maintaining health during pregnancy. Urine tests are a regular occurrence during pregnancies,in order to maintain health and wellbeing of both mother as well as the fetus during pregnancy and it might get really tedious for a soon to be mother to commute several times a month simply for giving a urine sample.
Neodocs Wellness Cards offer an instant test at home to track all essential parameters with a seconds long procedure, yielding quick and accurate results. A smart phone based lab test to monitor health during pregnancy through all 40 weeks.