kidney stones kidney stones and urine kidney health urine analysis urine test

Kidney Stones : Ur-ine My Way

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 31/07/2021 22:34

This too shall pass” is what the doctors try to say the majority of the time, when an individual is diagnosed with a kidney stone. What they don’t tell you, is that this non-surgical passing of the stone is way more painful than an invasive procedure. “It’s like a kick to the groin, and a stab in the back, both at the same time.” a Reddit recollection says. Simply put, kidney stones are hard deposits of salts and minerals that form within your kidneys and then dislodge and make their way to other parts of your urinary tract. Usually, this happens when an excess of certain minerals (such as phosphorus, oxalate, and calcium) concentrate in your urine, often when you’re not well hydrated.


Symptoms of kidney stones Though kidney stones are painful, they usually don’t cause long-term damage if they’re dealt with right away. Here are some things to look for so you know if you may be suffering from kidney stones:


If your doctor suspects a kidney stone, they might order a myriad of tests from blood and urine samples to imaging and testing of the stones that have been passed out. But in this particular diagnosis; urine tests stand out. Since kidneys are the ones that make urine (any abnormality or disease associated with them), the result immediately shows up as an anomalous constituent of the urine sample. Kidney stones are made of minerals and other substances that can be found in the urine that can be identified with testing. Types of kidney stones include calcium stones (both calcium-oxalate and calcium phosphate stones), uric acid stones, struvite stones, and cystine stones. Parameters of a urine test used to check for kidney stones include;

Risk Factors & Prevention

Prevntion of Kidney Stones There is an increased risk of kidney stone formation in individuals with genetic inheritance, obesity, using certain medications, not drinking enough fluids, etc.

The Bottom Line

Kidney stones are common. There’s no guarantee that prevention methods will work, but they may reduce your risk. Your best bet for preventing kidney stones is staying hydrated and making certain dietary changes.