
Kidney Diseases & Lifestyle Factors : Are They Related?

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 26/09/2021 03:56

Kidneys are a highly efficient filter system for your body. They remove waste products from the blood and produce urine. Apart from that, they have various other functions that range from regulating blood pressure to helping in the production of red blood cells. They are also a vital organ for maintaining equilibrium in the body.
Kidney diseases currently affect around 850 million people worldwide. Every one in ten adults has chronic kidney disease (CKD). The global burden of CKD is increasing, and is projected to become the 5th most common cause of years of life lost globally by 2040.
The diet and lifestyle of every individual, has a huge impact on their kidney health. In this article, we discuss these aspects in depth and list ways on how to overcome them.

Factors Affecting Kidney Function

  • : Sitting for long periods of time has been linked to the development of kidney disease nbsp;
  • Eating Foods High in Sugar & Salt : Presence of excessive sugar and salt in the diet leads to conditions like obesity, diabetes and hypertension which eventually leads to kidney diseases.
  • Overusing Painkillers : Using painkillers for everything is not the solution, while they might relieve you of your aches and pains, their regular consumption harms the kidneys.
  • Not Staying Hydrated : Drinking plenty of fluids is extremely important for your kidneys. It helps them filter out toxins and other wastes from the body.
  • : Regular excessive drinking doubles the risk of developing a chronic kidney disease. Heavy drinkers who also smoke are five times more at risk of developing a CKD as compared to those who don’t.

: Large amounts of phosphorus and sodium can harm your kidneys. Processed foods have high quantities of both these elements which is why

Lifestyle Changes for Better Renal (Kidney) Health

  • Hydration : Water helps flush out toxins and excessive compounds from the kidney. It’s consumption significantly reduces the chances of developing a chronic kidney disease. The repetitive and annoying “8 glasses a day” notion stands the test of time.
  • Control Your Blood Sugar : Health conditions like diabetes put a lot of strain on your kidneys, over years of exertion this can lead to life-threatening damage.
  • Monitoring Blood Pressure : High blood pressure damages blood pathways in the kidney which significantly deteriorates kidney health. One should regularly monitor their blood pressure and if the readings are high; start medication by consulting a physician.
  • Regular Weight Checks & Diet : People who are obese are at high risk of developing health conditions that lead to kidney damage. Diets low in sodium, processed foods and other kidney damaging foods aid in healthy kidney function.
  • Quit Smoking & Excessive Drinking : Smoking damages the blood vessels of your kidney, which leads to a reduced blood flow while alcohol affects the kidney’s ability to regulate fluid and electrolytes in the body. Control of both these habits leads to the betterment of overall health and wellness of an individual. 
  • Staying Active : Regular exercise boosts your metabolism, reduces risk of hypertension and aids in heart function all of which are very important for renal (kidney) health.

: Older individuals, people suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and certain genetic conditions have greater chances of developing a chronic kidney disease over time. They should undergo regular screening.

Monitoring Kidney Health

Urine samples directly reflect on kidney health since they are responsible for the production of urine. Any anomaly in the kidneys; and it will immediately be seen in your urine, which is why urinalysis and urine dipstick tests are the way to go, to monitor renal health. Early detection of kidney diseases can be life-saving.

Neodocs Wellness Cards offer a smartphone based home test that helps you monitor your kidney health in the comfort of your home by measuring kidney related urine parameters like creatinine, protein, and calcium.