what is keto diet why keto diet sample meal plan

Keto Diet : Sample Meal Plan & Recipes

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 08/11/2021 23:06

What is a Keto Diet?

The Keto Diet was started as a diet plan for children suffering from epilepsy by physicians during the early 1970s. It has now become one of the most popular fad diets of the decade. Unlike other low-carb diets which focus on proteins, a keto plan involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into ketosis : a metabolic state in which your body uses fat for fuel instead of carbs, thus resulting in weight/fat loss.

Why Should You Follow a Keto Diet?

Not only does the keto diet improve your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, but it also reduces your appetite, boosts weight loss and lowers your triglycerides. It comes with various other health benefits like;
  • Effective Weight Loss :A ketogenic diet can help you lose slightly more weight than a low fat diet. This often happens with less hunger.

  • Cancer : The diet is being explored as an additional treatment for cancer, because it may help slow tumor growth.

  • Brain Injuries : Some research suggests that the diet could improve outcomes of traumatic brain injuries.

  • Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s : Study shows that the diet helps reduce symptoms.

  • Epilepsy : Causes significant reduction in seizures.

Keeping all these benefits in mind, a keto diet is also ill-advised for an individual suffering from kidney, liver and heart diseases, type 1 diabetes, etc. And in pregnant and lactating women.

A Sample 24 - Hour Meal Plan


Keto Dosa/ Paneer Bhurji sauteed in Ghee with Veggies/ Scrambled Egg/ Keto Poha


Seekh Kabab /Lettuce Burger with Cheese/ Paneer Tikka with Veggies/ Tuna Salad


Low Carb Pasta in Cheese & Butter/ Cauliflower Rice Bowl/ Baked Salmon/Stuffed Bell Peppers