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Is my health affecting my hairfall?

  • By Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
  • Last Updated: 15/07/2023 12:06


On average, an individual loses 80 to 100 strands of hair in a day. But, if you are losing your mane in significant amounts, making the scalp visible, it’s time to address the underlying health conditions.
A lack of enough proteins, iron and other dietary supplements in the human body can cause hair loss. Inadequacy of such nutrients makes our hair thirsty and deprived of their desired nourishment which eventually makes them fall.
People who lose weight often restrict their calorie consumption. For proper functioning of the human body, it is important that our body receives the necessary nutrients for ideal operations. Lack of optimum calorie intake leads to deficiencies in the body system. Just like our body needs food, our hair also requires the intake of nutrients for its healthy growth.


If you want to do the most for your hair on a healthy level, the best way to start is to examine your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine. Changing your diet to include foods that add vitamins, nutrients, and minerals will strengthen your hair. Dropping bad habits like smoking, alcohol, or drug use will strengthen your immune system. Developing a moderate exercise routine (i.e. walking) will greatly increase blood flow by distributing vitamins, nutrients, and minerals throughout your bloodstream.

Your overall health can be assessed and monitored from the comfort of your home using NEODOCS Wellness Care Kit and obtaining its result from the Neodocs App via smartphone. 10 vital parameters are checked including blood traces in urine. A positive report for blood in urine could be an important warning sign.