habits that harm the liver taking care of your liver

Holistic Liver Care

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 16/10/2021 05:33

Liver disease accounts for approximately 2 million deaths per year worldwide, 1 million due to complications of liver disease and 1 million due to viral hepatitis & liver cancer.The liver accounts for innumerable functions of the body ranging from digestive, to hormonal, to circulatory. It directly or indirectly regulates most of the chemical levels of the body while also detoxifying it. Attributing factors towards liver diseases & cancers majorly include diet & lifestyle aspects with alcohol abuse and obesity taking the lead.

Habits That Harm The Liver

  1. A high sugar intake: Refined sugar causes fatty buildup in the liver. Studies say that it might even be just as harmful as alcohol, even if you’re not overweight.

  2. Mindless use of painkillers & other drugs: Several drugs that we consume are broken down in the liver. If we exceed the amount prescribed or administer drugs for recreation, we’re causing unnecessary harm to the liver.

  3. Very little water intake: Water helps flush out toxins from the body, this prevents their build up in the liver. You should drink plenty of water in between meals, but not during meals.

  4. Consumption of trans fats: Your liver cannot safely process any trans fats, which is why it spikes the blood sugar & causes fatty depositions on the liver.

  5. Drinking alcohol: Alcohol is a toxin, when we drink it; the liver diverts its energy into making it less toxic for the body hindering the liver’s other critical functions.  

  6. Too much salt: A high salt intake increases blood pressure in the liver’s main artery, thus damaging the liver. 

  7. Excessive Vitamin A supplements: A natural increased intake of vitamin A containing foods is better than taking supplements since these are especially difficult for the liver to process.

Taking Care of Your Liver Holistically

  • Weight Loss : The liver plays a major role in metabolizing fat in the body. Research has proven that losing about 5-10% of a person’s body weight significantly improves the liver health of an individual with fatty liver disease. 

  • Eating a High Fibre Diet : Toxins tend to bind to fibrous foods, & get eliminated.

  • Getting Physically Active : Fatty Liver Diseases are very often associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Inculcating exercise & other physical pursuits in your daily routine not only improves your overall health, but your liver health too.

  • Avoiding Processed Foods : Most processed foods not only contain high amounts of sugar, but trans fats too. Both of these affect the liver adversely.

  • Meditteranean Dieting : The diet is known for the clean and nutritious foods it involves. Studies suggest that this diet aids in reduction of liver fat, even without weight loss.

  • Avoiding known Liver Irritants : These substances are known to put a strain on the liver. Use of irritants like alcohol, certain drugs, & excessive vitamins should be avoided.

  • Liver Friendly Herbs : There are several herbs, spices and supplements that are being used as alternatives for the treatment of fatty liver disease. These compounds have shown to have a positive effect on liver health; turmeric, green tea, milk thistle, resveratrol, coffee, licorice, ginseng, garlic, ginger, etc.

Monitoring Liver Health

Liver is an essential organ of the human body, performing a myriad of functions. Maintaining & monitoring its health is extremely important. If you have a health condition in relation to your liver, a urinalysis on a regular basis will help keep it in check & steer clear of complications while urinalysis of a healthy individual can also be done from time to time, as a preventive measure.
Neodocs Wellness Cardshelp you monitor and maintain liver health by tracking bilirubin and urobilinogen levels with a seconds long smartphone based test in the comfort of your home, yielding quick & accurate results.