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Foods For A Speedy Recovery

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 29/08/2022 17:03

Inflammation is inescapable. It is your body’s immune response to any irritant. From a bacteria or virus to the slightest prick on your finger…inflammation is the pathway towards healing.
And it has it’s classic signs : redness, swelling, and sometimes pain. It’s completely normal and natural. As long as it stays in control, that is. An inflammation that lingers could be a sign of an underlying chronic disease that the body is trying to fight off, for example autoimmune diseases or metabolic syndromes like type 2 diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory foods and diet have circled around old people with arthritis and diabetes for years. But with a pandemic that has now affected almost the entire world population, these foods are gaining popularity for building better immunity, healing and recovery amongst the youth too.


/ They’re the richest source of “lycopene” , an antioxidant that reduces inflammation. They’re also packed with vitamin C and potassium.


/ Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries are also packed with antioxidants that reduce risk of disease.


/ Found and used widely in every Indian kitchen, turmeric contains “cucurmin” an anti-inflammatory compound that relieves inflammation.

Sweet Potatoes

/ Packed with vitamins C & A these starchy veggies also serve as a delicious carb source with a low glycemic index.


/ Beets are a great source of potassium, folate and vitamin C—all nutrients that play various roles in the immune system's regulation of inflammation. In addition to that they also contain tons of antioxidants.


/ The tender seeds and the juice of pomegranates are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Green Leafy Vegetables

/ These dreadful things keep showing up in literally every healthy food blog, but that’s only because they’re the G.O.A.T of nutrition.

Nuts & Seeds

/ Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, chia and pumpkin seeds, etc are not only an excellent source of protein but they also reduce bad cholesterol and inflammation.

Fatty Fish (or Flax Seed)

/ These contain omega-3 fatty acids that have been found to turn off pro-inflammatory genes.

Ginger, Garlic & Onions

/ The three staples of Indian cooking are laden with healing and immunity-boosting properties.

Foods To Avoid Inflammation

Processed foods, foods high in sugar and fat content, artificial food additives, alcohol, smoking, etc are foods and habits to be avoided in order to prevent inflammation.

In Conclusion

Lifestyle and dietary changes are always the long-term solution to living a long, healthy life, one can always choose this approach and avoid the unnecessary popping of pills.

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