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Fad Diets : How They Ruin Our Metabolism

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 09/08/2022 17:10

A “fad” means something that is trendy : here today and gone tomorrow, can’t say the same about the kind of weight loss that happens with these diets because while the initial results are significant and quick due to the calorie deficit (not to mention how unhealthy that is) but also, people end up gaining it back by the end of the year, this time with the added bonus of low self-esteem.
You name it; Atkins, Paleo, Lemon Detox, Keto Diet, Cabbage Soup, the list goes on and on and there’s always a new diet around the corner that the media is ready to bombard us with using case studies and multiple “before-after” photos. Recommendations that promise a quick-fix with claims that are too good to be true.

What Does “Metabolism” Mean?

We often hear people say, “I have a slow metabolism” or “they just have a fast metabolism,” and we all nod our head in agreement. But do we understand what that means?
Every second, there are several chemical reactions constantly taking place inside our body to keep us alive. Metabolism can be defined as the sum total of all these processes, which, together, allow all organisms to stay healthy, while building and maintaining the physical integrity we need.
Our metabolic rate is the rate at which our body uses energy to function properly - in other words, it’s the amount of energy we use every day.

How Does Our Metabolism Help Us Stay Healthy?

Our metabolism has three main functions:
  • Converting food into energy, for our cells to function properly
  • Converting food into the building blocks of our body like protein, nucleic acids, etc.
  • Eliminating waste and toxins
A healthy metabolism drives all of these functions - and our metabolic rate is, in turn, what determines a healthy metabolism.

How Do Fad Diets Affect Our Metabolism?

Our metabolism can be affected by many things including diet, exercise, and sleep.
Fad diets usually involve reducing the intake of food drastically to which the body cleverly adapts by thinking that we’re in a famine situation and responding by slowing down our metabolism. When we return to normal eating following the weight loss, the body doesn’t know what’s hit it and can easily put weight on as the metabolism doesn’t rise to follow suit in the same way.
Many of these diets use either very low calorie intake and/or avoidance of certain food groups resulting in the diet becoming unbalanced and usually unsustainable. This not only unbalances the metabolism but also depletes your overall health.
If you plan to start such diets, consulting a dietitian or hiring a nutritionist will go a long way.

What Are Healthy Alternatives To A Fad Diet?

Having a balanced diet that meets all your nutritional requirements while not raising the calorie count too much is key (foods with a low glycemic index).
Fruits and vegetables are known to have high fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that your body needs to function optimally. Adequate level of hydration also plays an important role in body metabolism. Nearly every diet can help you achieve your body goals when calories are properly managed, while not limiting your food options.

In Conclusion

Fad and miracle diets are best to be avoided and should come with a health warning. If you are short of nutrients and vitamins and limit them due to the restrictions placed from a fad diet, then it may have long-term ill effects related to the nutritional deficiency. That may include anemia, joint pain, depression, hairfall and more. This is enough reason to avoid going on a severe calorie restriction diet and it's better to occupy healthy ways.Check out our blog on 10 best foods to boost your metabolism...
