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Does green tea really help you lose weight?

  • By Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
  • Last Updated: 15/07/2023 12:06


Tea is the second most-consumed drink in the world, preceded only by water. And green tea, one of the most popular teas, contains nutrients that supposedly help melt away pounds. Green tea has long been consumed for its health properties. Along with its ability to boost mental alertness, the beverage has been said to burn fat, and potentially protect against heart disease and cancer.

Benefits Of Green Tea:

1) Aids Fat Burn During Workout: It is an excellent fat-burning, pre-workout drink, which helps accelerate weight loss.
Stimulates Weight Loss Through Increased Fat Oxidation

2) Improves Digestive Health: Green tea helps process sugars and carbohydrates, which regulate insulin and blood sugars. Regulated blood sugar helps our body to prevent weight gain by avoiding unhealthy cravings.

3) Activates Good Fat: The bio-actives in green tea help shrink white fat cells and increase brown fat, which is a healthy fat. The brown fat helps burn calories, prevents white fat gain, and improves insulin levels in the body.

Will Green Tea Help With Weight Loss?

It’s true that green tea can raise your metabolic rate, so you burn more calories; this effect is probably due to a combination of its caffeine and antioxidants that are plentiful in green tea. But the result will likely lead to little, if any, change on the weighing scale. Still, working a few cups of brewed green tea into your diet isn’t a bad idea when it comes to losing weight. If you don't add sugar, it's calorie-free and can be a good replacement for sugary drinks.

A study published in 2017 in the journal Cancer Prevention Research found that postmenopausal women who’d taken green tea extract twice a day for a year as part of a breast cancer clinical trial had elevated liver enzymes—a sign of potential liver damage often seen in people who abuse alcohol.


-It is important to note that any benefits of green tea for weight loss are not as beneficial as other healthy weight loss methods, such as exercise, which have far greater metabolic benefits.

- Regularly exercising and eating a healthful diet with plenty of vegetables are highly effective weight loss strategies. Green tea used alongside these methods may increase their positive results.

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