Can ckd be cured how ckd is diagnosed Treating ckd with diet ckd causes

Chronic Kidney Disease : Care & Cure

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 06/09/2021 21:15

Kidney diseases currently affect around 850 million people worldwide. Every one in ten adults has chronic kidney disease (CKD). The term “chronic kidney disease” means persisting damage to the kidneys that worsens over time. If the damage is serious, your kidneys might completely shut down, leading to kidney failure. An individual suffering from kidney failure requires regular dialysis or a kidney transplant in order to survive.

Causes & Risk Factors

Anyone can get CKD. Some people are more at risk than others. CKD occurs when a disease or a health condition disrupts kidney function, causing kidney damage that worsens over the course of several months or years.
Some of these causes include:
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Diseases 
  • Prolonged Kidney Inflammation
  • Nephritis
  • Auto-Immune Diseases
  • Kidney Stones
  • Recurrent Kidney Infections
  • Family History of Kidney Disease
  • Old Age
  • Obesity
  • Excessive Smoking & Drinking


/ People with CKD may not feel ill or notice any symptoms at all. The only way to find out for sure is through specific blood and urine tests. These tests include measurement of the creatinine, protein & calcium levels in blood & urine.
Your kidneys are very adaptable organs, they try and compensate fully for any of the malfunction they are having. Which is why, symptoms might only start to appear until the kidney disease has advanced.
Some of the signs and symptoms may include:

Can CKD be Cured?

/ Damage to the kidneys is usually permanent. Although the damage done cannot be fixed, you can take steps to keep your kidneys as healthy as possible, for as long as possible in addition to preventing any further harm.
Here are some things you can do to control and prevent chronic kidney disease:

The Takeaway

Urine samples directly reflect on kidney health since they are responsible for the production of urine. Any anomaly in the kidneys; and it will immediately be seen in your urine, which is why urinalysis and urine dipstick tests are the way to go, to monitor renal health.
Early detection of kidney diseases can be life-saving.
Neodocs Wellness Cards offer a smartphone based home test that helps you monitor your kidney health in the comfort of your home by measuring kidney related urine parameters like creatinine, protein, and calcium.