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Can certain foods increase metabolism?

  • By Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
  • Last Updated: 15/07/2023 12:06


We’ve all seen the Ads singing the praises of that one fat-melting food that will raise metabolism or somehow magically melt away extra pounds. While some foods may aid in boosting your metabolism, they won’t make a significant difference overall. That’s not to say foods doesn’t affect your metabolic system. For example, hot peppers and green tea have both been shown to boost metabolism.
The body expends a certain number of calories to perform these functions at rest, which is otherwise known as the resting metabolic rate. Faster metabolism has other benefits:
1) You feel more energetic
2) Fat storage in the body is reduced as calories are used up efficiently.
3) Your body functions at its best, improving your overall health.
4) You reduce the risk of health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

By including foods that increase metabolism and burn fat, you have a safe and natural way of speeding up calorie consumption in the body.

Here are some foods that have the potential to moderately or temporarily affect your metabolism.

1) Green tea
2) Hot peppers
3) Protein - According to Davis, meals higher in protein or fiber typically take more energy to digest — meaning they might increase overall energy expenditure.
4) Coffee
5) Ginger
6) Apple Cider Vinegar


Unfortunately, no single food is going to magically boost your metabolism. The downside of such claims is that people might rely on the ‘fat-burning’ effect of certain food instead of making sustainable dietary changes. Even though green tea or cayenne pepper may help you burn an extra 20 to 50 calories, neither is likely to make a huge difference in your overall weight. The key to a healthy weight as per your age and height is, eating a balanced diet composed of nutrient-dense foods.