liver myths

Busting Myths About Liver Health

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 08/12/2021 19:56

How well do you know your liver? The answer is : not well enough.
The liver is the largest organ of your body accounting for over 500 vital functions. It directly or indirectly regulates most of the chemical levels of the body, while also detoxifying it.
A disease of the liver is often known as a “silent killer” since it does not present any signs or symptoms until it’s too late. Statistics show that liver disease accounts for approximately 2 million deaths per year worldwide, 1 million due to complications of liver disease and 1 million due to viral hepatitis & liver cancer.
An essential organ surrounded by innumerable misconceptions. With this blog, we hope to leave you with more clarity about the human liver.

Myth No. 01

You Should Only Care About Your Liver if You Have Pain: Since your liver helps in detoxification of the body, you need to be careful about every single thing you’re filtering through it. If you take good care of your liver health before it becomes a problem, there is a high chance that you won’t ever have to deal with said problems.

Myth No. 02

Liver Problems Cause Yellow Skin & Pain: Liver diseases usually have no symptoms at all. Hepatitis A, B and C, as well as cirrhosis, are sometimes diagnosed 20 to 30 years later, as the liver is said to be silent.

Myth No. 03

You Can’t Drink at all if You Want a Healthy Liver: This is simply not true. The key to maintaining a healthy liver is moderation. In order to enjoy a few drinks while still maintaining a healthy liver, it is important to eat nutritious foods throughout the day to make sure your liver can properly metabolize the alcohol. One can also limit themselves to two or three drinks during a night out to ensure optimal liver health in the long-term.

Myth No. 04

Once The Liver goes Bad, it’s Ruined Forever: Liver cells are highly regenerative. In fact, if you were to cut a liver in half, it would regenerate 80-90% of its original size within two weeks. However lifestyle changes in order to prevent a recurrence is recommended.
Read our blog on Holistic Liver Care

Myth No. 05

Women are more likely to develop Fatty Liver Disease: Recent studies show that both men and women are at the same level of risk for developing a degenerative liver disease. It is the diet and lifestyle factors that matter more than sex predilections when it comes to an unhealthy liver.

Monitoring Liver Health

The liver often tends to be an often overlooked, but critical organ of the human body. Maintaining & monitoring hepatic health is extremely important. If you have a health condition in relation to your liver, a urinalysis on a regular basis will help keep it in check & steer clear of complications while urinalysis of a healthy individual can also be done from time to time, as a preventive measure.
Neodocs Wellness Cards help you monitor and maintain your liver health by tracking bilirubin and urobilinogen levels with a seconds long smartphone based test in the comfort of your home, yielding quick & accurate results.
