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Brown rice vs White rice: Let's end the debate!

  • By Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
  • Last Updated: 15/07/2023 12:06


With certain fad diets suggesting people eat little or no carbs, can we still enjoy rice as part of a healthy diet? And is one variety better than the other?
Rice Trivia:
Rice is a versatile grain consumed by people around the world. It is a staple diet for many individuals, especially in Asian nations. Rice is almost entirely composed of carbohydrates, with very little protein and fat. Brown rice, however, is a whole grain. That indicates that it includes the fibre bran, nourishing germ, and carb-rich endosperm of the grain. Because of the grain's rough bran exterior, it is chewy and takes a while to cook.
Contrarily, the bran and germ have been eliminated from white rice. Because these are the most nutritious parts of the grain, white rice is left with very few essential nutrients. However, white rice is softer and tends to cook quicker.

Brown rice vs. white rice: nutrition

Brown rice has a slight advantage over white rice when it comes to nutrient content. It has more fibre and antioxidants, as well as more vitamins and minerals. However, these differences aren’t hugely significant.

Calories 205kcal 216kcal
Carbs 45gms 45gms
Fat 0.4gms 1.8gms
Protein 4gms 5gms
Fibre 1gm 4gms
Manganese 0.7mgs 1.8gms
Potassium 55mg 84gms
Magnesium 19gms 84gms

Benefits of brown rice:

-100 grams (3.5 ounces) of cooked brown rice provide 1.8 grams of fibre, whereas 100 grams of white provide only 0.4 grams of fibre
-Brown rice is high in magnesium and fibre, which help control blood sugar levels. Even just replacing white rice with brown has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and decrease type 2 diabetes risk.
- Brown rice contains the anti-nutrient phytic acid and is higher in arsenic than white rice. This can be a concern for those who eat a lot of rice. However, moderate consumption should be fine.


With more fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than white rice, brown rice has a lot more nutritional value. White rice is considered a source of ‘empty’ calories and carbohydrates, with very few essential nutrients to offer. So, in short, brown rice is a better choice, nutritionally speaking, than white rice.

A healthy diet will lead to a healthy mind and body.