health neodocs

Breaking Myths Around Renal Health

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 29/09/2021 00:45

Does anyone really ever give the kidneys a second thought, other than maybe contemplating selling one of them to buy the newest version of iPhone? No, right?But these two bean-shaped dudes are very crucial for your bodily functions. Performing several life-sustaining roles ranging right from filtering waste from the blood and regulating hormone secretion to maintaining fluid balance. The kidneys are also a very tough and compliant organ, even if you lose or donate one of them, the other will make up for it’s absence and you can continue to live a healthy, happy life.So essential yet, they still don’t get the amount of awareness, concern & care-taking they deserve leading to several mistaken beliefs that revolve around them. This article tries to clear some of these common misconceptions involving the kidneys.

Breaking Kidney Myths


Monitoring Kidney Health

Urine samples directly reflect on kidney health since they are responsible for the production of urine. Any anomaly in the kidneys; and it will immediately be seen in your urine, which is why urinalysis and urine dipstick tests are the way to go, to improve renal health. Early detection of kidney diseases can be life-saving. 

Neodocs Wellness Cards offer a smartphone based home test that helps you monitor your kidney health in the comfort of your home by measuring kidney related urine parameters like creatinine, protein, and calcium.