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Blood in your urine? : Here’s What You’re Looking At

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 31/07/2021 23:28

Seeing blood in your urine can be very alarming and dramatic. The problem is not blood in the urine itself. Rather blood in the urine is a sign of something. Something that is not right somewhere within the body. It could be something as simple as a low-grade infection. It might be a bladder or kidney stone, bobbling around causing irritation of the lining and therefore blood. Or it may be an early warning sign of kidney cancer, ureteral cancer or even bladder cancer. Whatever the cause, blood in the urine is not normal at any time and must be evaluated.

“Haematuria” : The Medical Term for Blood in Urine

When there is visible blood in the urine, we call it gross haematuria.
While blood in urine that can only be detected by urinalysis or on detailed examination is called microscopic haematuria.
Bloody urine often occurs without other signs or symptoms.
Visible blood in urine gives it a pink, red or cola colour due to the presence of red blood cells. It takes very little blood to produce red urine, and the bleeding usually isn't painful. Passing blood clots in your urine, however, can be painful.
Some medications, such as the laxatives, and certain foods, for example beets and berries, can cause your urine to turn red. A change in urine color caused by drugs, food or exercise might go away within a few days. Bloody urine looks different, but you might not be able to tell the difference. It's best to see your doctor anytime you see red-colored urine.

Possible Causes

causes of blood in urine Blood in urine is an indication that your kidneys or other parts of your urinary tract have allowed blood cells to leak into the urine. A myriad of problems can cause this leakage.

The Takeaway

The treatment for having blood in your urine depends on what is causing the problem. For example, if you have blood in your urine because of an infection, your doctor might tell you to take an antibiotic medicine. If you have blood in your urine for another reason, you might need a different kind of treatment.
Preventing ‘Blood in urine’ means preventing the underlying causes :
  • To prevent infections: drink plenty of water daily, urinate immediately after sexual intercourse, and practice good hygiene.
  • To prevent stones: drink plenty of water and avoid excess salt and certain foods like spinach and rhubarb.
  • To prevent bladder cancer: refrain from smoking, limit your exposure to chemicals, and drink plenty of water.