UTI antibiotics nitrofurantoin Neodocs Smart report Kidney

Antibiotics that help with UTI treatment

  • By Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
  • Last Updated: 15/07/2023 12:06


UTIs can be caused by many different types of germs including bacteria or fungi and in rare cases, even viruses. But bacterial UTIs are the most common. If you have a bacterial UTI, the only way to treat it is by getting rid of the bacteria that's causing it. That's where antibiotics come in. They either stop those bacteria from growing or directly kill the bacteria altogether.

Treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) is one of the leading reasons for the prescription of antibiotics, and suppressive antibiotics remain a common treatment option for patients with recurrent UTIs.

Types of Antibiotics

Once the medical provider has determined that you have a UTI, they will prescribe a type of antibiotic. There are three main types of antibiotics that medical providers typically prescribe for this condition.

1) One popular type of antibiotic that is used in UTI treatment is Nitrofurantoin by destroying the bacterial functioning and cell wall production.
2) Or Single dose Fosfomycin
3) Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, also known as Bactrim, blocks bacteria from getting the proteins they need for survival
4) While these are the 3 main types of antibiotics used for UTIs, some other options include Cephalexin (sold as Keflex), which destroys the cell walls of bacteria that keep them intact.
5) Amoxicillin/potassium clavulanate are other similar antibiotics but those with a penicillin allergy should not use these types of antibiotics.

Most rounds of antibiotics can be completed in under a week. It’s important to remember that you always need to finish the entire round you are prescribed, even if you feel better. This ensures that you fully clear out the infection and don’t have any antibiotic resistance.

Possible Side Effects of Antibiotics:

While antibiotics are important for UTI treatment, they have some possible side effects, but most aren’t dangerous. The side effects might include things like:

1) Rashes
2) Diarrhea
3) Nausea and vomiting
4) Tendon damage
5) Headaches
6) Skin reactions
7) Loss of appetite
8) Yeast infections

In rare cases, some people may experience severe allergic reactions to antibiotics. However, this is uncommon and unlikely to happen. To be safe, always let your medical provider know if you have had bad reactions to antibiotics. You should also let them know any allergies you might have that could impact the antibiotic they prescribe.


UTIs are an uncomfortable type of infection. Thankfully, one of these types of antibiotics can usually clear up the problem quickly.
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