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7 Things Neodocs Wellness Cards Tell You About Your Body, & Why You Need To Know About Them

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 26/07/2021 23:12

/ Urine formation is the body’s way of detoxing, and the toxins it emits out say a lot about where they came from. Which is why your urine samples reflect directly onto your health. Now it might seem like a long shot, to get to know about what’s going on inside your body by just dipping a tiny card in a cup. A minute-long task, in the comfort of your home yielding detailed results about your health and wellness? Neodocs wellness cards offer just that. Tracking the presence and quantities of the important constituents of your urine with a steady, hassle free kit that reaches your doorstep.

Here’s a preview of some of the major health parameters it provides a comprehensive report for

Parameters tracked from neodocs wellness cards

Kidney Health

Kidneys are responsible for the formation of urine, therefore if any malfunction in the kidney occurs, the effect can be directly seen in the urine. Kidney diseases are not 100% preventable since they have a dominant genetic variable. But you can reduce the chances by
  • Healthy Diet
  • Managing Diabetes, High Blood Pressure & Heart Disease
  • Regular Physical Activity

Liver Health

If your liver is healthy, it will remove most of bilirubin (a toxin) from your body by breaking it down to urobilin that gets excreted through the urine. But if your liver malfunctions, no such metabolism happens and bilirubin can directly leak into your blood and urine. Normal urine also has some urobilinogen but if this amount goes beyond the normal range, your liver might not be working well. Symptoms of liver disease include
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Yellowish Skin & Eyes
  • Swollen Ankles & Wrists
  • Loss of Appetite

Lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of any liver disease include

  • Lowering Alcohol Consumption
  • Maintaining a High Level of Hygiene
  • Having a Healthy Body Weight
  • Proper Use of Medication

Diabetes Risk

Sugar Levels can be monitored with the help of a urine sample and without the hassle of a syringe. An indication of even a small amount of sugar in an individual's urine can be seen as a precautionary sign for it’s prevention and if diagnosed, controlling said sugar levels.

Hydration Level

A specific gravity test compares the density of your urine to that of water giving you insight into the dilution level of your urine and kidney function. If the concentration of your urine is too high, it means you're dehydrated, or your kidneys aren’t functioning properly. If the concentration is low, it means you’re overhydrated. Both these conditions cause damage and disruption to your kidneys and urinary system. The best way to stay adequately hydrated is by tracking your water intake and inculcating fruits and vegetables in your diet

pH Level

A pH scale is meant for measuring acidity or alkalinity of any substance. The normal pH of urine ranges from 4.5 to 8.0. Abnormal pH levels also stipulate various underlying systemic diseases like Diabetes, UTI’s, Renal Tubular Acidosis, etc.

Diet & Wellness

While jury’s still out for the pros & cons of alkaline diet, Neodocs wellness cards can help you track even a slight change in your pH levels if and when following such a diet. Urine analysis of a seemingly healthy individual could be a gateway to prevention of any borderline diseases they might be at risk of inheriting. Thus motivating and guiding the person into having a healthier lifestyle. If you aren’t following a ketogenic diet but your urine still shows presence of ketones, it could be due to.
  • Skipping Meals
  • Starving for Long Hours
  • Metabolic Abnormalities like Diabetes Mellitus, Renal Glycosuria, etc
  • Fasting


Urinary Tract Infection is the overall name for an infection in your kidneys, bladder, ureters, or urethra. It occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract and multiply in the bladder. If you have bacteria in your bladder and urine analysis, it means you have an infection. Symptoms of a UTI include
  • The Urge to Urinate Frequently
  • Pain while Urination
  • Foul Urine Odour
  • Frequent & Small Amounts of Urination
  • Cloudy, Red or Bright Pink Urine

  • Preventive Measures for UTI’s;
    • Adequate Hydration
    • Cranberry Juice
    • Urination after Having Intercourse
    • Avoiding Irritating Female Hygiene Products