10 Best Foods To Improve Your Metabolism

  • By AradhyaGiri
  • Last Updated: 11/07/2022 16:24

We often hear people say, “I have a slow metabolism” or “they just have a fast metabolism,” and we all nod our head in agreement. But do we understand what that means?
Every second, there are several chemical reactions constantly taking place inside our body to keep us alive. Metabolism can be defined as the sum total of all these processes, which, together, allow all organisms to stay healthy, while building and maintaining the physical integrity we need.
Our metabolic rate is the rate at which our body uses energy to function properly - in other words, it’s the amount of energy we use every day.

How Does Our Metabolism Help Us Stay Healthy?

Our metabolism has three main functions:
  • Converting food into energy, for our cells to function properly
  • Converting food into the building blocks of our body like protein, nucleic acids, etc.
  • Eliminating waste and toxins
  • A healthy metabolism drives all of these functions - and our metabolic rate is, in turn, what determines a healthy metabolism.

    How Does Our Diet Impact Our Metabolism?

    Our metabolism can be affected by many things including diet, exercise, and sleep.
    In order to stay healthy and keep the metabolism, or our bodily processes, functioning like a well-oiled machine, it is important to eat a nutritious diet and exercise. A healthy diet with balanced calories meeting nutritional requirements while avoiding overeating, provides adequate energy and nutrition to fuel and repair the body effectively.

    Foods That Increase Your Metabolic Rate


    berries for improving metabolism Strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, cranberries, black and blueberries are a powerful, nutrient-dense food. Eating berries has also shown to have beneficial effects on metabolism, stabilizing glucose levels, and decreasing body fat content.


    oats Oats do not cause blood sugar spikes that signal your body to store fat, they also have plenty of fiber. As your body breaks down that fiber, it burns calories.


    lentils Just one cup of lentils provides 35 percent of your daily iron needs, plus protein and fiber, which aid in digestion.

    Cruiciferous Vegetables

    cruciferous vegetables They have a high water and fiber content, a combination that decreases fat absorption in the gut.

    Citrus Fruits

    citrus fruits Lemons contain a nutrient called 'limonin.' It helps support phase one and phase two of liver detoxification. As you support the body's ability to detoxify chemicals, you support fat loss.

    Hot peppers

    hot peppers Spices like black pepper, bell peppers, cinnamon, cardamom, etc have natural chemicals in them that fire up your metabolism. Just a pinch of cayenne may boost metabolism and curb hunger.

    Whole grains

    whole grain A high level of fiber slows down the blood sugar release and evens out insulin spikes, all of which means extra energy is used for digestion.

    Coconut oil

    coconnut oil Coconut oil contains medium-chain fats, a type of fat that speeds up your metabolism more than the long-chain fats found in substances like butter. Using small amounts of raw coconut oil in your daily meals goes a long way in providing nourishment and increasing your metabolic rate.


    nuts The high protein content of nuts makes your body burn more fat in order to digest them. They’re also a low-glycemic food, which means eating them keeps your blood sugar very stable.


    eggs However you prepare them, eggs and egg whites are smart fuel for muscles which help boost your metabolism.